"> "> The District Line
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The District Line


Here I'll try to give you a bit of an insight into how the line works, and how everything fits together and keeps the train service running which, after all, is the whole reason for us being there in the first place!

I've broken this down into four sections - the last of which will show how the whole thing should come together to put and keep a certain number of trains on the railway each day.

Of course it doesn't always go smoothly or as planned - if you read my diary pages later you'll see some of the types of occurrences which arise that prevent this happening.

In case you're not familiar with the line the map below shows the routes and areas that the line covers - click on the map for a link to an enlarged version on thetube.com

Again, I'm not going to go into the statistics of the line, distances, number of stations and so on - there are many sites which have these facts and I would only be repeating what has been covered very well elsewhere.

But some of these are also available on thetube.com, as are a great deal of facts and figures concerning the performance of the line in terms of train availability, delays and much more.

So - without further ado, lets look at some of the details I feel it appropriate for me to write about!

Navigation of this section can be by using the buttons to the left, or from the table below.

Pages in this Section

Rolling Stock Depots

Booking On Points

Signal Cabins & Centres

Service Snapshots


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