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R F & P Historical Society

Progress toward the RF&PHS:

Some interest has been expressed in forming a historical society for the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad.

Given, at present, that the Rappahannock and Old Dominion Chapters of the NRHS hold sizable collections of RF&P equipment, but neither is solely dedicated to the RF&P.

This informal group is the first step toward an incorporated society. In Virginia, incorporation is $50 for the first year, and $25 per year thereafter.

Contributions will not be tax-deductible until 501 (c) 3 non-profit status is obtained.

We are compiling a mailing list. A meeting has been Arranged for May 1, 2004 in Spotsylvania County.

Interested parties please contact:

Denis Blake, Secretary/Treasurer , DBlake2996@wideopenwest.com

    978 Pennsylvania Ave
    Columbus OH 43210-3335
Rob McKeever , robmckii@aol.com

    8725 DeBlanc Place
    Manassas, VA 20110

Bill Sheild , wsheild@crosslink.net

    King George VA

RF&P Historical Society
Interest Form

Please fill in this form so that we can add to our interest database in MS Excel 5.0 format. It is hoped that a mailing will be sent out when the number of addresses is greater than 50. So far, we are at about 30.
    Name: Street: City: State: Zip: Email: Phone:

Would you like your name/email address to be listed on our online list of interested members?

Would you like to be on our Email discussion list? (RFandPRR@yahoogroups.com)

Do you model the RF&P? If so, in what scale?
G: O: S: HO: TT: N: Z: Other:

If so, would you be willing to write about your experiences?

Any more comments: (Other affiliations, interests, etc)

©1997-2004, Robert G. McKeever, II, unless otherwise noted. Suggestions to robmckii@aol.com
Return to the RF&P Page Last Updated 11 April 2004
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