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RF&P Historical Society Member list

This list is an abridgement of the database: Only name, city and email are listed. If you are on this list, and wish not to be, or wish your email address deleted, or you are not listed and wish to be (also fill out the interest form), email Rob McKeever at RobMcKII@aol.com.

The cities are in Virginia unless otherwise noted.

A B C D E F G H I J K L Mc M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
OK -- per a 4-18-04 update, italicized email addresses are old and bouncing, other email addresses are current as of 4-18-04. This is not an exhaustive list of people yet, but we are working on it. The early response of new people joining the Yahoo list is encouraging.

Paul Anderson, valpaul@erols.com

Paul Bergdolt, Gaithersburg, Md, p_bergdolt@email.msn.com
Denis Blake, Columbus, Oh.,
Jack Bleiberg, jersey_jack@edeneast.com
Joe Brandon, Hampton, jhbrand@ibm.net
Gary Butera, Harpers Ferry, WV, cbutera@intrepid.net

Rhett Coates, Richmond.
Bill Cook, Annandale, VA billcook3@aol.com

David Davies, dbdavies@cox.net

Carol Salmon East, Laurel, MD 20708, caroleast@aol.com
Louise Evans, Richmond, eva05@co.henrico.va.us

Terry Fry, terryafry@comcast.net
John Fuller, Alexandria, jfuller@pbs.org

Rev. Earl Gray, Jr., Manchester, Md, eg.ims@juno.com
Bill Griffin, Jacksonville, Fl

Tim Hale, Covington, Ky, KYRAIL@aol.com
Michael Heinich, Dumfries, michaelh@erols.com
Jeff Hess, Oak Ridge, NJ, jeffreyhess@hotmail.com
Wade P. Hinlke, Annandale, whinkle@ida.org
J.L. Hollahan, Plantation, Fl, jlhollahan@webtv.net

Herb Insley, herbinsley@global2000.net
Norm Ishler, nishler@frontiernet.net

Ed Johansen Jr, Virginia Beach, ns6081nw@surfree.com
Eric H. Jones, Alexandria, erichj@erols.com
Jeff Jones, Fredericksburg, jd611@y-city.net

James Law, Arlington, jlaw@erols.com

Ted McCormack, Richmond, tedmac@erols.com
Bob McKeever, Alexandria, RobertGMcK@aol.com
Rob McKeever, Manassas,
Carlton N. McKenney, Richmond

Greg Mazzie, gmazzie@cox.net
Jack Marcom, Fort Washington, Md.
Peter Measday, Hagerstown, Md, MEASDAY_P@westatpo.westat.com
Bryant Mills, Jacksonville, Fl, lbmills@juno.com
Tim Moriarty, Reston, tmoriart@tax.org
Ken Moss, Charlottesville, kjmoss_remote@hotmail.com

Scott Nelson, Richmond, VARWY@webtv.net
James P. Nemeth, jimmynemeth@hotmail.com

Paul Phelps, Stafford, VA22554@aol.com
Nick Pitsch, Manassas,
Corbett Price, corky_price@compuserve.com

Randy L Reedy, Arlington, rlreedy@erols.com

Mike Scullin, Stafford, mscullin@erols.com
Bill Sheild, King George, wsheild@crosslink.net
Mike Sloan, Allamuchy, NJ, msloane@worldnet.att.net
Ralph Smith, Richmond, res@worldnet.att.net
Robert L. Smith, Sr, Woodbridge, smitty1@erols.com
Phil Soyring, Alexandria, psoyring@tidalwave.net
Carl Steiner, Richmond,finola2@aol.com
Darrall Swift, bn2204@yahoo.com

Kevin Tankersley, Alexandria, pullman-porter@starpower.net
Philip R. Taylor, Palmyra,

Chelsea White, cwhiteiv@yahoo.com
Carroll S. Wingfield, III, Frederick, Md, cwingfield3@worldnet.att.net

Add/delete yourself from this list:

Email Rob McKeever your corrections.

©1997-2004, RF&P Historical Society Suggestions to robmckii@aol.com
Return to the RF&P Page Last Thorough Update: 21 December, 1999; some deletions made 18 June 2001, and some corrections made 8 & 15 February, 2004. Bouncing emails italicized on 4-18-04, a few others corrected to known current addresses.
Thanks to trainweb.us for hosting this site.
Maintained by
Robert G. McKeever, II.