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Wings Flags Flares and Fire Screens


UP 3779-3873
UP 3874-3970 (Wings/Flares/Flags/Fire Screens)
UP 3971-3973 (Wings/Flares/Flags/Fire Screens/New Nose) (5)
UP 3974 (Wings/Flags) (1)
UP 3979 (Wings/Flags)
UP 3981 (Wings/Flags)
UP 3984 (Wings/Flags) (3)
UP 4000-4525 (Wings)
UP 4526-4528 (Wings/Flags)
UP 4529-4634 (Wings)
UP 4635-4639 (Wings/Flares)
UP 4640-4689 (Wings)
UP 4690 UP 2001 (Torch Train Unit)
UP 4691 UP 2002 (Torch Train Unit)
UP 4692-4709 (Wings)
UP 4710-4734 (Wings/Flares)
UP 4735-4836 (Wings/Flares/Flags)
UP 4837-4849 (Wings/Flares/Flags/Fire Screens/New Nose) (4) (5)
UP 4850-4868 (Wings/Flares)
UP 4869-4999 (Wings/Flares/Flags)
UP 5000-5126 (Wings/Flares/Flags)
UP 5127-5231


UP 9448 (Wings/Flags)


UP 9599 (Wings/Flags)
UP 9807 (Wings/Flags)
UP 9816 (Wings/Flags)


UP 6200 (Wings/Flags)
UP 6280 (Wings/Flags)
UP 6366 (Wings/Flags)


UP 5554-5694
UP 5700-5710 (Wings)
UP 5711 (Wings/Flags)
UP 5714-5716 (Wings/Flags)
UP 5721 (Wings/Flags)
UP 5722 (Wings/Flags)
UP 5726 (Wings/Flags)
UP 5730 (Wings/Flags)
UP 5731 (Wings/Flags)
UP 5735 (Wings/Flags)
UP 5736 (Wings/Flags)
UP 5739 (Wings/Flags)
UP 5742 (Wings/Flags)
UP 5747 (Wings/Flags)
UP 5748 (Wings/Flags)
UP 5770-6081 (Wings/Flags)


UP 5695-5699 (Wings/Flags) (6)(7)


UP 8543 (Wings)


UP 8242 (Wings) (2)

a, Don Strack has all the other paint schemes on his site.
b, The foamers have struck. They have come up with Phases for the SD70M's.
    PHASE I SD70M's.
    PHASE II SD70M's with flairs.
    PHASE III SD70M's with flairs and new nose.
1, ex SP 9800.
2, Thanks to David Harrison for the UP 8242 shots.
3, ex SP 9810. First 39XX to have the flag, 2 Feb 2002.
4, The SD70Ms with the new nose design should start delivery in November 2002 and continue through the end of the year. Numbers will be 4837-4849. They will be produced in Canada, and are equipped with FIRE electronics/displays.
5, See UP 4841 Page
6, Tier II. See AC4400CCTE Notes
7, GE's Tier II web site: GE Evolution Series

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Last Update 09/26/04

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